Fiji Banded Iguana (Brachylophus Fasciatus)
A medium sized species of iguana which grow up to 7inch snout to vent with a tail length over 12inches! Originating from the Southern Fijian Islands.
They are an arboreal species of iguana which spend most of the time in the canopy of trees, venturing to the ground to forage in leaf litter and bask.
In captivity these Iguanas feed on a wide variety of fruit, veg and leafy greens.
Sexual Dimorphism:
Male Fiji iguanas display thick lightly coloured banding along their laterals and bold stripes/spots on the necks.
Females are often a dark green colour with few having minimal lateral banding, neck spotting.
Hatchling/juvenile:2x2x3ft (WxLxH)
Sub Adult/Adult:2x4x3ft (WxLxH)
Enclosures should reflect the iguana’s size.
They must have enough space to move around the enclosure to thermoregulate their body temperature.
Enclosures must have a multitude of hiding/perching places. We achieve this by offering cork flats and cork branches as well as foliage.
We offer a eco-earth:sand mix substrate. This substrate offers enough rigidity to allow the Iguanas to dig and find the ideal egg laying site as well as storing moisture to maintain good humidity levels inside the enclosure.
Temperature and UV:
Temperature and UV play an important role in the growth and digestive system of your iguana!
Over a 24-hour period we offer 12hours of active heating and 12 hours of cooling to simulate natural environmental changes. (These differ slightly with seasonal changes).
Optimum daytime basking temperature should range between 30◦c-34◦c. This is achieved with a basking light attached to a thermostat.
We allow night time temperatures to drop between 20◦c-23◦c.
UV lighting is critical to your Fiji iguana it allows your Iguana to increase vitamin D3 absorption.
We offer our iguanas 7% UV lighting inside the enclosure which reads 0.7-1.0 Ferguson zone 2 on a solar meter.
Fiji iguanas feed on a wide variety of leafy greens, vegetables and fruit they are also quite partial to a cockroach & pangea although live food should only be fed as a very rare treat.
We occasionally feed pangea crested gecko diet with the preferred diet flavour being watermelon!
Water should be always offered in a bowl. The water should be replaced daily, the bowl cleaned regularly.
Misting should be carried out at least once per day (This may change on personal environmental conditions). The average UK house hold humidity ranges from 50-60% Fiji Iguanas require a peek humidity between 80 - 90%.
The enclosure must be allowed to go through a dry period 60 – 70% humidity during the day so not to cause bacterial build-up. (Too much humidity can also harm!)
Our feeding Regime:
Monday: Leafy greens, grated carrot/parsnip
Tuesday: Leafty greens, fruit chunks
Wednesday: Leafty greens
Thursday: Leafty greens, grated carrot/parsnip
Friday: Leafty greens, runner beans, baby corn
Saturday: Leafty greens, fruit chunks
Sunday: Leafty greens
Best to avoid citrus fruits with Fiji Iguanas
All food should be removed after 24 hours.
Fiji Iguanas are sexually mature at 3-4 Years of age. The male will court the female with a series of head bobbing and tongue flicks. Approximately 30 -50 days after mating the female will dig a burrow in 6-8inches of substrate and lay a clutch of eggs often consisting of 2-7 eggs. She will lay every 40-60Days through the months of March – September.
Incubation takes between 120 – 200 days with temperature having a big role to play. Incubation temperatures can be set between 28 – 29.5◦c.